Cross Cultural Missions

Defining Missions
Cross cultural missions means taking the Gospel to people groups that have limited or no access to the Gospel. It also means investing in ministries and groups that are doing the work with the people in other countries.
The sending and supporting of missionary workers, who cross barriers of distance, culture and language, is at the heart of our church. Missions includes the support of these workers and the support of projects that significantly contribute to establishing and strengthening churches worldwide.

Alliance Missions
Giving to Alliance Missions is one of the best ways for you to participate in fulfilling God’s plan—providing all peoples, in every segment of society, the opportunity to encounter His beloved Son, Jesus.
Giving generally to Alliance Missions has a broad impact benefiting all Alliance ministries. With this kind of general gift, you will be supporting all Alliance work and all international workers regardless of specialized structure in Alliance Missions.
You can learn more about how C&MA and SPCC support missionaries all over the globe through the Alliance Missions

Short Term Missions
SPCC holds short term missions trips to the Philippines and to Cambodia. We desire to see God's love spread throughout all nations and we are blessed to have the ability to serve in both these countries.
Overseas Workers from SPCC
We have had the blessing of sending out workers to different parts of the world. Pray for these families as they seek to put God’s love into action by going, reaching the world and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.