
We are Set Free to Serve
God has given all of us different gifts, talents, experiences and personalities. God calls us the church (yes, us people - not the place) and that we are all a part of the body.... each one important!
God also put a desire in our hearts for relationship and community.
We at SPCC have a heart to mesh those two... our gifts and need to use them - AND our desire for relationship... so we are inviting you to Say Yes to serving!
Ready to Say Yes?!
If you have an idea of what team you might be interested in serving on, use our online form to sign up or email and she'll be happy to answer any questions you might have!

Find Your Team
Serving is one of the easiest and quickest ways to 'plug in' and find community. We have many different volunteer and ministry teams!
Connections Team
Welcoming our church family and visitors on Sunday mornings and showing hospitality through preparing coffee.
Campus Maintenance Team
For individuals, couples & families to serve together to beautify, maintain and repair our campus.
Community Outreach Team
Various outreach opportunities serving our community, families, school districts, foster children, seniors and more!
Hospitality Team
Provide meals for events or church family needs.
Kids Ministry Team
Showing children and their parents the love of Jesus on Sunday mornings or at Kids Club on Tuesdays.
MomCo Kids Team
MomCo Kids allow moms to find support, connection, and to experience the love of Jesus on Thursday mornings.
Student Ministry Team
Investing time and fostering relationships with middle and high school students.
Worship Team
Praising God through singing and instrumentals.
Media Team
A/V and slides are an integral part of our services and events.
Creative Arts Team
Photography and videography